Sasiporn Ounjaichon

Title: Exercise Programme for Fall Prevention in the Older Population

PhD summary

In the first year of my PhD I conducted the qualitative study ‘Feasibility of the Adapted Lifestyle integrated Functional Exercise (aLiFE) for Older People in Thailand’. In my second year, I’ve planned a feasibility randomised controlled trial called ‘The Adapted Lifestyle-integrated Functional Exercise Programme in Thai Context (TLiFE): A Feasibility Study for Older Adults in Thailand’.


September 2016 - ongoing



Institution name

The University of Manchester


  • Professor Chris Todd
  • Dr Emma Stanmore
  • Dr Elisabeth Boulton

Discipline area



I am a nurse, originally from Thailand. I am interested in developing a fall prevention exercise programme for older people. I am a second year PhD student in the Division of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work within the School of Health Sciences in the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health at The University of Manchester.

Contact details
