MICRA Collaboration with Age Friendly Manchester
28 June 2017
Age Friendly Manchester has recently released its Ageing Strategy Refresh.
The vision they have is to make the City of Manchester a better place in which to grow older and in turn improve the lives of older people. Their existing Strategy was entitled “Manchester - a great place to grow older”.
This however dates back to 2009, and AFM recognise that due to social and economic factors, Manchester today is a different place to live and grow older in than it may have been in 2009. Age Friendly Manchester collaborates closely with MICRA. Its research and collaboration with MICRA, the Architecture School, MMU, and community researchers have led to exciting developments.
AFM recognises that our older population in Manchester is growing in size and proportion. As central players in the UK, European and International Networks of age friendly cities, they have worked on initiatives such as raising the profile of LGBT Older People in Manchester, documented in a report focused on their needs, an older peoples nightclub, and audits of Alexandra and Heaton Park and Rochdale Town Centre to name a few.
The new strategy will be launched on the 4th October to coincide with International Older People’s Day. AFMs visions will be supported and delivered by cultural organisations in Manchester, and its universities, including of course MICRA!
At MICRA we are excited to continue to collaborate and support the great work and research of Age Friendly Manchester.