New Routes to Integrated Care - with AT, Telehealth and Telecare

Tuesday 21 June 2016

MICRA was an event partner and had a stand at the 'breakthrough' Telehealth Quality Group (TQG) conference. A very interesting range of speakers (including 'keynotes' from Canada and Scotland) explored the crucial role of telehealth, telecare and other technologies within integrated care services.

The TQG is notable for its development of the ambitious and leading International Code of Practice for Telehealth Services - a code that, to date, hasn't had the attention it deserves. It's aim (and that of the TQG itself) is nothing short of changing people's thinking about telehealth and telecare. Their overall message is that telehealth has an important role in supporting people's well-being as well as clinical health ... helped by the advent of new technologies and the development of new service approaches.

The 'integrated care' in the title of this event doesn't just mean professionals working together. It means creating opportunities for users to access services in new ways. New technologies (including smart mobiles, video-links and the like) have an important role to play in this. This event gave clear pointers and practice examples that will inform us.