Frailty, cognition and dementia

This wide-ranging area encompasses falls and bone health, dementia and wellbeing as well as research in geriatric medicine and neurology:

  • Dementia, cognitive impairments and mental health
  • Geriatrics and clinical gerontology
  • Neuroscience, neuroimaging and neurodegeneration
  • Health, frailty and wellbeing
  • Falls and bone health
  • Sensory impairment and disability

Our researchers in this area include:

Professor Kenneth Rockwood

Kenneth Rockwood is professor of geriatric medicine and clinician and divides his time between Manchester and Dalhousie University in Canada where he is the Kathryn Allen Weldon Professor of Alzheimer Research and physician in the Department of Medicine at Capital Health, Halifax. Ken is an international authority on frailty, focusing his investigations on the complexity of frailty and the best way to use mathematics to understand common clinical problems of frail older adults, so as to improve their care. He has published eight books and more than 350 peer-reviewed scientific publications. Currently, he is co-editor of the 8th edition of Brocklehurst's Textbook of Geriatric Medicine & Gerontology due out in 2015.

Professor John Keady

Professor John Keady is a mental health nurse who leads the Dementia and Ageing Research Team (DART) at The University of Manchester. Both he and DART are primarily interested in furthering understanding about the everyday lived experience of people with dementia and their families. One focus of this is life lived ‘outside the front door’ in the local neighbourhood. Their work addresses important developments in public and social policy where people with dementia are encouraged to become co-creators and co-collaborators in the generation of new knowledge.

Professor Chris Todd

Psychologist Chris Todd is Professor of Primary Care and an international expert on fall prevention. Falling is common amongst older people often causing considerable disability and distress. Chris wrote The World Health Organisation’s policy synopsis on the prevention of falls amongst older people and was a member of the group which wrote the 2007 WHO Global Report on Falls Prevention. His research also looks at fall prevention interventions and active ageing including exercise and its’ take up.

Dr Neil Pendleton

Dr Neil Pendleton, Senior Lecturer in Geriatric Medicine at Manchester leads research into Gerontology, geriatrics, neuropsychology and molecular biology.  Neil has a wide range of experience in the synthesis of geriatrics, cognitive neuroscience with molecular biology supporting large cohort longitudinal studies of ageing in the UK and European Union. The research focuses on trajectories in human performance and understanding how to integrate longitudinal population data with biological mechanisms to explain emotional, behavioural and cognitive ageing.